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Pursuant to § 4 of the University Act of 15 March 1998 (UniG, LS 415.11), the university takes precautions to ensure the quality of research, teaching and services.
Universitätsgesetz (German only)
§ 6 of the University Statutes of 4 December 1998 (UO, LS 415.111) states that the overall objective of quality assurance is to ascertain, safeguard and improve the quality of the academic work associated with research, teaching and services as well as the fulfillment of administration duties and public relations tasks at all levels of the university.
Universitätsordnung (German only)
The University of Zurich’s evaluation regulations enacted on 15 May 2018 (ER, LS 415.115) specify the purposes of evaluations and define the concept, mission, organization and purview of the Evaluation Office. They also lay out procedural steps and responsibilities.
Evaluationsreglement (German only)
Evaluations also adhere to the guidelines, strategic objectives and policies set by the university.
UZH Mission Statement and Policies
For institutional accreditation, Switzerland’s Higher Education Act of 30 September 2011 (HFKG, SR 414.20) requires institutions of higher education to have their own quality assurance systems. All cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education and other institutions of higher education recognized under existing law, as well as all federal universities and institutions of higher education, are subject to compulsory accreditation.The prerequisites for institutional accreditation are defined in Article 30 of the Higher Education Act.
Higher Education Act
Details on our Data Protection Notice can be found here.